首页 > 科技动态 > 研究发现孕期多吃水果有助提高婴儿智商


时间:2016-09-05 07:03:52
    阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta)研究人员在追踪了688名婴儿后发现,孕妇每天食用水果量增加,她们的宝宝在出生后一年的认知能力得分就更高。这项研究结果令人震惊,因为目前为止,仅鱼肉被证实能增进婴儿认知能力发展。
New research raises the intriguing possibility that eating more fruit during pregnancy could boost the intelligence of a normal, healthy baby.
Researchers found that each additional daily serving of fruit that pregnant women consumed corresponded with an increase in cognitive scores for their children one year after birth. The study, at the University of Alberta, analyzed data from 688 children in the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development, or Child, study.